How can Artificial Intelligence be used in Contract Management?

Contract Creation
EVIDENCE is a collaborative environment, based on parametric workflows where all the stakeholders build the contract sharing Conditions and Clauses.
Contract Risk Analysis
EVIDENCE can help you answer some critical business questions like: "Which Contracts are impacted by a possible deviation in the performance of an SLA on a KPI?", or, should be possible to predict such a deviation, "How much time needed to reduce deviation and mitigate the risk?".
Contract Execution
The Platform allows you to manage future versions of the contract through specific workflows that control the entire process (Creation, Performance Management, Expire / Renew).
Your Processes
No code, no development, no customizations are needed, only configurations.
Service Level Management
Observability, allow your company to look at your Data

Cyclops considers the concept of “Observability“ one of the most relevant one to be managed in an industrial process: usually in an industrial process there are a lot of different assets involved in and sometimes they are located in different Industrial Plant, managed by different companies in a unique supply chain..
CyclOPS consider the Observability its basis
Can Interoperability expand your vision?

Software as a Service
Scale Faster
Why a SaaS could give you an advantage?

Are you ready to get started?
The sold service must be compliant with the quality levels (SLA), which must be guaranteed according to the stipulated contract.